Since World War II, Training Within Industry (TWI) has been a valuable resource for numerous industries, offering essential guidance. Its modules, which include Job Instructions (JI), Job Relations (JR), and Job Methods (JM), are renowned for their success in teaching workers how to follow standards. However, there’s another crucial component to this program that often goes unnoticed: Job Instructions for Second-Line Supervisors, also known as managers.

Unveiling the Second-Line Supervisor Job Instructions

The Training Within Industry program provides managers with a set of guides tailored to their needs, as they are one level above the first-line supervisors. These guides, named “Using Job Instructions”, aim to assist managers in encouraging their team supervisors to use job instructions consistently. Furthermore, it offers coaching on how to effectively carry out the second level of supervision within the TWI framework.

How to START Your People Using It

The “Using Job Instructions” guide for managers is straightforward and consists of four key steps:

  1. TIME TABLE: This step involves helping team supervisors to spot production needs and develop a training schedule to meet these needs. The manager guides the creation this timetable, which is similar to a qualification matrix, but with specific dates for when each worker should be trained​.
  2. JOB BREAKDOWNS: Managers guide supervisors on creating job breakdowns, which are crucial for establishing good work standards. This process involves identifying key points that can lead to scrap, accidents, rejects, and delays​1​.
  3. Encourage: Managers should ensure that supervisors provide their operators a clean and well-arranged workplace, with all the necessary tools at their disposal​1​.
  4. 4 Steps: This step refers to the original job instruction card for the supervisor, which includes four steps: 1) Prepare the Worker; 2) Present the Operation; 3) Try Out Performance; and 4) Follow Up. Managers work with supervisors through all these steps to ensure comprehensive understanding and application​1​.

How to KEEP Your People Using It

The “Using Job Instructions” guide also outlines how managers can maintain the use of job instructions among their team supervisors:

  • Regularly review their timetables and job breakdowns.
  • Occasionally check if workers know the key points.
  • Investigate incidents of injuries, scrap, rejects, and tool and equipment damage. Identify the cause and provide coaching where needed​​.


The “Using Job Instructions” guide is a crucial component of the Training Within Industry program that helps managers achieve operational efficiency. This valuable resource not only enables managers to effectively guide their supervisors but also promotes a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. By adhering to these guidelines, managers can ensure that their subordinates are capable of instructing their own subordinates and organizing their areas of responsibility.

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