Thinking of implementing Total Productive Maintenance in your manufacturing facility? Please review a sample of the TPM Master Plan. It will help you to see and create a roadmap for TPM implementation.

TPM Master Plan

To be a reference among the World-Class factories. Integrated by a winning team, recognized by the best practices in safety, community care, and environment, fully committed towards the customers’ satisfaction.

Example of the vision

We are a winning team that throughout the TPM philosophy leverage the talent of people, assuring the process and assets optimization.
Our aim is to lead continuous improvement, thus achieving first-in-class performance, concerning efficiency, flexibility, cost, quality, reliability, safety, and environment.

Example of the mission

A PDF copy of the TPM Master Plan can be downloaded here

TPM Scope and Challenges

TPM implementation initiated with a focus on the manufacturing process:

“Make” part of the Supply Chain System

Current Business Scenarios

External Factors

  • Globalized markets that demand
    • Higher competitivity
    • Speed in innovation
    • A larger variety of products
  • Consumers demanding
    • Higher quality
    • Low cost
    • Better service
  • Social requirements
    • Environment-friendly plant.

Factory Scenario

Next step→What is Autonomous Maintenance?

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