1. OPLs

2. Activity Boards

3. F-Tags

One Point Lesson (OPL)

What is an OPL?

  • a tool to convey information
  • designed to enhance knowledge and skills in a short time, at the right time, whenever needed
  • to upgrade levels of expertise by having individuals study, learn and then train others in the knowledge or skill

Who creates OPL?

  • Everyone!
  • Operators, Mechanics, Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Office staff, etc.
  • We are all responsible for upgrading the knowledge and skills of each other

When Do You Create A OPL?

  • Anytime it makes sense to convey some knowledge or skill to others
  • Safety, Health or Environmental issues
  • Quality requirements/improvements
  • Productivity requirements/improvements
  • To reinforce existing procedures
  • To explain new procedures or equipment
  • Anything from how to wash hands to how to handle a changeover on a specific line

Process For Creating an OPL

  1. Encounter a situation requiring knowledge/skill transfer
  2. Obtain a blank OPL form
  3. Write up OPL
  4. Submit into OPL Database (provide copy to TPM admin or Process Excellence)
  5. Train relevant employees and have them sign the OPL
  6. Post OPL in Department for 30 days
  7. After 30 days place OPL in Department binder

Guidelines for writing an OPL

  • Make it clear
  • “A picture is worth a thousand words”
    • (80% visual, 20% words)
  • Know who your audience is
  • If possible show correct vs. incorrect process / method / etc. (see next slide)
  • Keep it simple
  • Hand drawn where possible

Activity Boards

Activity Board Objectives

  • Visual representation of our goals, activities and results
  • Consistent method of communication
  • Through construction of an Activity Board, Teams’ understanding of content is reinforced



  • Show Team Vision, Methodology, Pictures, Names, Roles, Goals, Results, Safety Message, Team Learnings
  • Board must have a logical flow, be easy to read and understand
  • Digital pictures and computer generated information is OK.  However, preferred method Hand drawn.
  • All Team Members should participate in presenting the board

Activity Board Guidelines

  • Colours & Patterns grab attention (see next slide)
  • Easy to update helps keep board “alive”
  • Prominent location is desirable
  • Title or purpose for board should be bold and very clear
  • Visual information is preferred instead of writing (80% visual / 20% words)
  • Focus on the Learnings

The Use of Colour

    • Colour is a Tool used for improved communication
    • Do not use colour for the sake of colour

Activity Board Lifecycle

Activity Board Lifecycle

Top 10 Reasons for Failure:

  1. Boards not updated – discipline breakdown, lack of pride, low priority for TPM activities
  2. Boards are used as Display Boards – misunderstanding of the Activity Board purpose
  3. Board is located in a remote, inaccessible area – no opportunity to show progress
  4. Boards are located in dirty, wet areas – bad advert for TPM
  5. Boards have no clear purpose or vision – lack of discipline and training up front
  6. Boards are locked away – difficult to access leads to apathy
  7. Boards are too intricate – huge effort to maintain leads to no maintenance
  8. Boards have no owners – leads to out of date info, lack of maintenance etc
  9. Boards are very individual – no overall guidance, perception that TPM is not organized
  10. Boards are seen as a gimmick – lack of training, education and Management participation

Activity Board Examples

Autonomous Maintenance – Hands-On Training – AM standards – Step Diagnosis exercise
Autonomous Maintenance – Hands-On Training – Cleaning is Inspection


Fuguai = Deviation

F-Tags are used to highlight Fuguais or Faults or Abnormalities:

  • Functional Defects
  • Pollution
  • Difficult to Access/Observe
  • Hard to Load/Operate
  • Unsafe SHEQ “unfriendly”
  • Undesirable Tasks

2 Major Types of F-Tags

  • Operator
    • Operator F-Tags are Blue
    • Operator means anyone non-maintenance (ie. Operators, Utilities personnel, Supervisors, Cleaners, Sanitation, etc.)
  • Maintenance
    • Maintenance F-Tags are Red
    • These F-Tags require Electricians, Mechanics, etc. to perform the task

The Colour of the Tag is for the person who will PERFORM the activity

Cleaning is Inspection

  • Use your 5 senses:
    • see –> use your eyes to observe
    • hear –> listen and try to hear unusual noises
    • smell –> try to discover strange smells
    • touch and feel –> try to feel the heat, vibrations
    • taste –> normally not suggested, but can be done from time to time
  • Use your experience: think before you make a judgement

Where are Abnormalities Found?

  • Main equipment:
    • main parts
    • operating system
    • moving and turning parts
    • transport systems
    • hydraulic system
    • compressed air system
    • lubrication system
    • cooling/heating system
    • instrumentation
  • Smaller parts
    • nuts and bolts, screws
    • chains, links
    • pulleys
    • springs
    • cylinders
    • piping and related parts
    • valves, controls, filters
    • couplings, bearings
    • shaft, brakes
    • Gaskets/seals
    • switches, sensors
    • cabling and related parts
    • indicators, monitors, screens
    • guards, doors, windows
    • emergency switches, safety devices

Typical F-Tags

  • Broken Parts Wear, Play, Rattling
  • Dust, Dirt, Corrosion
  • Cracks, Drip marks
  • Deformation, Surface Damage
  • Noisy, Hot, Cold, Odour, etc.

Use the SMART Principle

Use the SMART Principle

Use of Equipment Maps

Equipment Maps Can Be Used to Indicate Location of F-Tags

How to handle the flow of F-Tags

F-Tag (Operator) Flow

F-Tag (Operator) Flow

F-Tag (Maintenance) Flow

F-Tag (Maintenance) Flow

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