Definition of Stakeholder
Any individual or group can either influence or might be affected by the project. Their support is key to the success of the project. Some examples of key stakeholders:
- Customers
- Operations Management
- Hourly and staff
- Suppliers and end-users
- Regulatory Body
A stakeholder can offer both support and resistance:
- Technical or functional reasons for resistance;
- Resistance related to culture, habits, or lack of confidence because of potential loss of influence, power, or control;
- Resistance because of a lack of confidence in their ability to be part of the change.
The Stakeholder Analysis template can be downloaded here
Stakeholder Analysis
- Who are the stakeholders?
- What is their level of support?
- What can we do to increase their level of acceptance?
List all stakeholders and stakeholder groups, then evaluate how critical their support is to the project’s success.
Using the 1, 3, 9 scale helps to identify the most important stakeholders (alternatively, you can use L, M, H scale)

Evaluate their current state of support on a 5-point scale:
- — those strongly against change or project;
- – those people opposed to the project;
- +/- those neutral to the project;
- + supporters of the project;
- ++ strong enthusiasts of the project;
It can be expressed as a percentage for a larger group with a range of support.
- For each Stakeholder (group) to understand issues and concerns with the project
- Understand personal needs and value “drivers” -motivators
- Brainstorm and generate ideas to influence the stakeholder/stakeholder group
- Reputation
- Control and influence
- Order and structure
- Dealing with crisis
- Analysis and numbers
- Engage early in the project
- Train first to be viewed as an expert
- Involve in the planning phase
- Simplify the use of the DMAIC and the tools
- Have a formal review of the project scope and benefits