AM Step 6 Activities – Standardization

  • Objective
    • Standardize Routine Operation to sustain & prevent Problems.
  • Activities
    • Develop Sub-step Activities
      • 6.1 Quality
      • 6.2 Change Over
      • 6.3 Cyclic Operation
      • 6.4 Safety
  • Review the Role of Operators, and Efficiency Improvement and Standardization of Related Work
  • Maintain an Effective Autonomous Inspection System

AM Step 7 Activities Autonomous Management

  • Objective
    • Establish Line Management system by First line Team – Autonomous Management
    • Control Cost – develop Annual Budget by Team
    • Use “Policy Deployment – “Hoshin Kanri”
  • Maintain Optimal Equipment Condition
  • Striving to Meet the Targets of Zero Failures and Zero Defects
  • Maintaining a Proactive Attitude To Equipment Maintenance

12 Key Points in A.M. Implementation

  1. Collaboration between departments is important
    • Thoroughly educating members during the introductory stage at each department, to ensure their understanding of what AM is;
    • Sharing roles to attain common targets and exerting maximum efforts
  2. Leadership of Managers results in practice
    • AM is work in itself;
    • Placing emphasis on hands on experience, unconcerned with theory.
  3. The precedent of manager models represents the initiative
    • The Managers initiative and shining example is an essential requirement;
    • Understanding the essence of AM at the workshop through the use of actual equipment.
  4. The manner of diagnosis leads to activation
    • Directing the people to the tasks to be done in the future;
    • Evaluation of what has been done.
  5. Through education, it is understood that to teach is to learn
    • Adopting new ideas for carrying out education;
    • Understanding the necessary knowledge personally, to ensure subordinatesunderstanding.
  6. Enhancing understanding through One Point Lessons
    • Basic Knowledge: Info that must be shared;
    • Problem Case: What was lacking and recurrence prevention;
    • Improvement: Cases leading to positive results.
  7. The experience of success leads to a challenging mind-set
    • Accumulating many successful cases;
    • Experiencing what has not been carried out help us overcome difficulties.
  8. Giving Focused Improvement themes to teams for implementation
    • Themes related to routine work;
    • Minor stoppages, set-up, failure analysis.
  9. The TPM Activity Board is a communication tool between the Manager and the team members
    • Showing the participants plans, ways of thinking, status of execution, and achievements in an immediately understandable way;
    • The activity board allows Managers to get a sense of team members efforts.
  10. Meetings are a barometer of the activity level of the team
    • Creating good ideas through all members participation and expression of their opinions;
    • Forum of reflection, study, and proposal.
  11. Work should be executed promptly
    • Delay in the execution of requested work will impede the activation of circles;
    • Review of the maintenance sector’s response.
  12. Implement thoroughly
    • The degree of thoroughness determines the quality of maintenance and management.

Step Diagnosis

This is the important goal-sharing process.

  • Each team evaluates the progress of Kaizen/TPM.
    • Control timeline (Deadline)
    • Evaluate Kaizen/TPM activities from the viewpoints of “Need to Improve” – Weakness & Opportunity.
    • Align the direction with the plant-wide master plan.
  • Managers evaluate the progress of Kaizen/TPM form the viewpoints – how each team drive the right direction onto the plant-wide target & goals and managers’ target & goals.
    • Plan & Analyze the resource for a team to move on the right direction & the right on time.
  • Analyze the connection with AM and other pillars. – Move smoothly such as AM and T&E using F-Tags, … etc.

Step Diagnosis Flow

Evaluate TPM Activities

Step Diagnosis Checklist

1st Step "Initial-Clean" Diagnosis Checklist (Team organization)

AM Step Progress Control

Team Diagnosis evaluate Autonomous Maintenance progress by machine

Elements of an Activity Board

TPM Activity Board Requirements (Activity Board for First-line Small Group)

  1. Policy & Implementation plan
    • Policy & Target
    • Company / Factory policy & target / Department / Team policy & target (Annual, quarterly) / Action plan; TPM Master plan (Plant-wide and long term) / Team implementation plan (Annual plan and Quarterly)
  2. Indicators (Measurables)
    • Tracking data (Daily & Monthly)
      • Productivity (Output per hour person)
      • Quality (# of scrap and type of scrap)
      • Cost (Overall Equipment Efficiency – Bottle neck machine)
      • Delivery & Availability – Zero Breakdown calendar
        • (On-time delivery ratio, # of unscheduled breakdown, downtime, change over time
      • Safety (Lost time injury)
      • Data collection (Daily or Every shift)
        • # of Major stops (Equipment Failures)
        • # of scrap and type of scrap, rework
        • Safety Information (# of Near Miss Report, LTA / MA)
        • * Change over time , Time and Operation Analysis Chart
        • # of minor stoppage
  3. AM & FI Activities Process
    • AM Activities at each step – SOCS &HTA, Visual Control
    • One Point Lesson (Basic knowledge / Improvement case / Troubleshooting)
    • Trend chart – # of F-Tag (Blue / Red ) & F-Tag log (Fuguai list)
    • FI Topics Register – 5-why analysis / P-M Analysis
    • Autonomous Maintenance standards
  4. Review of action taken
    • # of One-point lesson / # of Tag (Blue / Red)
    • Step Diagnosis comment, score & sticker

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