Every successful project must have a checklist of activities. Please review our version off EEM checklist:

1 EEM Project Planning & Definition
1a Project Brief/Charter Evaluation
Fully accepted Project Brief or Contract
Set-up first EEM time-table
1b Project Type Recognition
Fully Understanding and documentation of the Critical, Success factors / Stakeholders, KPI’s / Deadlines
Set the framework of Quality, Timing, Cost and Risk of the Project
1c Set-up EEM Team
Realistic / Fully accepted EEM time table by team
Project capability 4M
Project Planning & control (MS project plan)
EEM planning workshop
2 Conceptual Engineering
2a MP info Collection (on existing & new equipment)
MP info  sheet filled out with: Information (P,Q,C,D,S,E&M), Structurized / prioritized so it can be used to determine future losses/problems in the NEW concept
Define machine/ process sub functions (Ex. 1st drafts)
Previous Project Documentation  = find external examples
Commissioning Reports
Standard Operation Procedures (SOP),
Change over procedures
Loss analysis (OEE, Waste) = loss study
Skill Matrix
Maintenance Records
EM (PM) Procedures, Maintenance Calendar
Sparepart Consumption
Quality Reports
QC procedures
Consumer Complaints / incident
Hygienic design
Current Major Losses
Improvement Records (training needs)
Cleaning/Lubrication/Inspection Standards
One Point Lessons
Training Procedures
Running Costs
Safety Records
Safety Risk Assessments
Ergonomic Information
Machine concepts identified (required machine functions defined)
2b Define Possible Concepts
visit suppliers & gather their MP Information, Organize a meeting to Define the Possible Concept (Considering  P,Q,C,D,S, E & M incl. hygiene)
Few machine and/or manufacturing concepts id (and respective potential preferred suppliers)
3 Preliminary Engineering
3a Utilities Feasibility
Feasibility study + revision/alteration of the possible concept = utilities study
Check if Quantity and Quality of the Utilities (energie, steam, air, etc.) are sufficient for the different concept (defined at step 2)
Check re-use / re-cover energie/waste
Update plan
3b Layout Feasibility
Feasibility study + revision/alteration of the possible concept  = layout study
ensuring the GMP standards and hygienic requirements (design, CIP, materials) are applied
Process Stability (length of transport-belts, movement of products)
Show configuration options (and limitations)
Show Process Control options (and limitations)
Show ergonomic interface options (and limitations)
input on: Operability, Maintainability,Cleanability, Safety Exits, Packaging Material Transport, Transport Belts, Utilities Connected
Give input how CHANGE OVERS are easy to do
Calculate resources (operators etc) needed
Input on: doing Effective Maintenance: Inspections , Overhauls ,  check if Inspections , Overhauls ,  check if Removal of Equipment (Parts) is easy, Enough Utilities nearby to do Maintenance (Electricity, compressed air, water, light, etc)
Input on: Cross Contamination (micro, allergens), Cleanability, Temperature (Product), Fall in bodies, Open Shelf Life, GMP standards are applied, Easy to Inspect (Quality Check Points), Stand times & temperatures (for microbiological issues) relevant for (intermediate) product, Hygiene requirements (incl CIP, Equipment, materials).
Safety Exits,  Safety Aspects (hot parts /surfaces, sharp corners,  easy to reach  /access the equipment). Safe Supply of material (forklift truck transport etc), Environmental Issues (Smoke, Cleaning, Liquids, Health Issues (Smoke, Noise, Moisture), Ergonomic Assessment (walk distances, lifting material etc)
3c Evaluation of Concepts (Quality, timing, cost, Risk)
Concept Evaluation (PUGH)
Risk Assessment (RQS) between team & supplier
CapProp – Write the CapProp  on technical aspects, incl. Start-up curve, planning, commissioning costs, training plan/costs
Nominate favorite  Lay-out
Start equipment FMEA (on P,Q,C,D,E,S,E&M) (to solve losses in early stage) (system,process, machine)
initiate SIMAS
3d Supplier Selection & Place order
User Requirements (incl. FAT)
Supplier Evaluation (PUGH/NPI criteria)
Risk Assessment (RQS together with Supplier) & action plans agreed
Prize negotiation (together with NPI)
Order (Contract)
Approval on User Requirement Spec’s / Payment timings and conditions
Agree all details on FAT, EEM Attributes, early operator involvement, user interfaces, control interfaces, etc.
Revise plan
Optimal concept & suppliers selected
1st Capital proposal
4 Detail Engineering
4a Detailed Engineering & Design review
MP workshops with key suppliers
dHACCP study
Check/optimize: Hygienic Design / SHE / Operability / Ergonomics/ Operability/ Maintainability /
Maintainability / Cleanability Review
Check detailed drawings on EEM attributes (update design & apply FMEA’s)
Use or set-up a “Design Review Checklist”
Tagging exercise on similar equipment
CAPEX approval
Detail design
Action lists MP workshop
5 Procurement & Construction
5a Equipment Fabrication
Learnings for operators/maintenance (review during building early op involvement, be flexible on relative small changes to further optimize operability, maintainability, cleanability)
Before order: establish KPI’s (OEE, rework, CO times…), protocols to be use, agree on FAT conditions, link w project deliverables,
Equipment (at AM step 3/4 including cleaning & lubrication Stds)
Check:  Safety standards, Ergonomic & Environmental aspects
5b Pre-Fat and FAT at supplier
Org pre-FAT visit, check status of equip, performed & evaluate FAT, FAT checklist filled out (% accepted)
SNAG list (with completion dates / resp)
re-fined Training Program
finetune forcast & distribute Adjusted (forecasted) Start-up Curve
Accept Delivery / Payment agreed to Contract
Capture Learnings about Equipment Maintenance
5c Construction
Safety Toolbox meeting
Agreed Construction Plan (plan & lead construction, instruct contractors on SHE/ GMP/ TPM) Milestones
Milestones details (checklist for each milestone)
Food safety measures
Work Permits
Safe behaviour (audits)
Update P&ID’s Utilities, Drawing  of Buildings, asset list,
Develop/review:  AM, PM, CO standards (suppliers, & operation)
5d FAT
verify: safety stdrs, safety performance
verify: Layout, CO requirements, equipment performance, overall equipment performance,
verify Documentation (operational stds, manuals, controls, electrical guides)
Customer service: service agreement, training and capacitating process
Action plan: review and finalize action plan
Material for initial flow control workshop
6 Equipment Installation and Commissioning
6a Equipment Installation
Safety Toolbox meeting
Meeting calendar: w contractors team for week update, include weekly milestones
Include contractors on SAFETY routine: dialogues, meetings, events, safety inspections (BBS approach)
Work Permits / Safe behaviour (audits)
Check Equipment after Delivery (checklist)
Agreed Installation and commissioning plan (monitor & lead installation work against Spec/ Lay out)
Food safety measures
Learnings for operators/maintenance, start 5S, use operability checklist
Check all FAT corrective actions are done, check hygiene design aspects of installation
Actividades de fin de semana: create a routine 30 min meeting on Friday’s, agree on work, resources required, utilities needed, cafeteria or health care
Create calendar for audits on: eng actions, eem actions, Q of installation, 5S, Hygiene
Assigned a person to maintain inventory counts also allocate a temp warehouse area for equipment
6b SAT (site acceptance test)
Safety go/go/go checks: electrical circuits, safety circuits, safety guards, mechanical mountings, installation of valves (air to open air to close), connection of pipes, …
same requirements as FAT
Operational documents ready (SOP’s, OPL’s, EM, checksheets)
6c Equipment Test Run (Dry)
Agreed/plan /lead Equipment Test Run (Dry) Plan
Hardware Functionality Check ( Speed, Temp, safety, etc)
Back-up of software settings
Locked Hardware Settings
Learnings for operators/maintenance
Train operators (continue) and deliver all documentation
Make / revise maintenance proposal, ensure Critical spare parts are available.  Assigned
check safety proximity switches + procedures
check individual equipment + the interfaces w other equip / transport belts
6d Product Commissioning (Wet)
Agreed commissioning plan, organize teams, participate on commissioning
Organize resources / workflow / make resource plan for commissioning
Revised product and process specs
Optimisation to KPI targets (Waste, Manning,  etc)
Processing Window Defined
Fine tuned hardware settings (especially the ones depending on product)
Fine tuned software settings + back-up
Final SNAG list
finalize & distribute  AM step 3 Cleaning Standard
Generally with water, full protocol to be defined, look for leakers
Train operators (continue) and deliver all documentation
6e Product run and qualification
Action plan review
Ramp up losses identified and prioritised
Launch Monitoring Plan, TISI
6f Initial flow planning
review plan and flow
EEM Initial Flow control Workshop
7 Start-up Production & Hand over
7a Start-up Production
Agreed, document & distribute Start-up protocol.  Perform Start – up
Use ramp up plan and stakeholders expectations
Measured  / Visualised Performance (check & document product/process performance) (incl start up curve)
Ramp measured by Innovation Ramp up KPI
Maintenance to participate on start -up and, make necessary adjustments & monitor usage of spare parts
Continuous improvement programme: Clear Actions/Speedy kaizens on Problems (act on GAPs between Actual Results vs Targets)
Inform other team members about problems occured
Intensive Checks on Quality,Safety, Equipm (intensive line inspections)
Ensure Quality / Consumer Safety KPIs are met, Ensure CCPs / QCPs are under control
Apply Positive Release Principle
Review Running Costs
Review Initial Project Costs
Plan and  act  on First production
Revised Standards
7b Hand Over
Make Project Summary  (check user requirements)
Hand over Document transfer pack for other sites
Transfer pack for other sites
All Targets achieved
All problems solved
Officially Agree on Hand-over
8 Review
Review on: Briefing ,  KPI’s  &  User requirements
Post project review against project brief
Knowledge Reported (MP info) (review OEE, problems, breakdowns & prod KPI’s)
EEM process Review / Improvements mapped
Feedback to  Team members incl. SU MT, celebrate success
Learnings & recommendations for future projects (including overall TPM performance)

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