When equipment breaks down it is necessary to find root cause of the problem. Let’s review five main causes.
Forced Deterioration
These breakdowns are caused by:
- Lack of Cleaning (accumulation of Dirt and Dust);
- Lack of Inspection (e.g. loose nuts, bolts, etc);
- Lack of Lubrication.
Lack of Basic Conditions (CIL) !
What will happen…
- if you never clean your stove?
- if you never check the air in your car’s tires?
- if you don’t change the oil in your car for 100,000 miles?

Forced Deterioration – Countermeasures
- Cleaning Standards – ensure parts are clean and SOCs are removed;
- Inspection & Visual Control – ensure nuts and bolts are in the right place;
- Lubrication Standards – ensure parts are well-oiled and running smoothly.
Natural Deterioration
These breakdowns are caused by:
- Friction and contact between parts;
- Friction between parts and the environment.
Every Mechanical Part has a limited life-span, therefore even under basic conditions (CIL) natural deterioration will occur.
What will happen…
- if you never change the brakes of your car?
- if you use the same shoe everyday for 2 years?
- after water flows in a pipe for 100 years?

Natural Deterioration – Countermeasures
- Time Based Maintenance (TBM)
Weak Point Part
Breakdowns caused by components that were not correctly designed to support their function. Component can suffer:
- Overload
- Over heating
- Corrosion
- Accelerated wear
It’s the same as:
- A chair breaking repeatedly, even if you keep replacing it;
- The brake in your car failing repeatedly despite maintenance.
Weak Point Part – Countermeasures
- Redesign component
Out of Operating Condition
These breakdowns are caused by:
- Equipment being ran out of specified conditions. Specified conditions might be:
- Temperature
- Speed
- Air Pressure
What will happen if you…
- Plug your 110V hair dryer in a 220V receptacle
- Dry your cat in the microwave
- Drive an Indy Car in the city

Out of Operating Conditions – Countermeasures
- One Point Lessons
- Visual Controls
- Match Marks
Lack of Knowledge
- Breakdowns related to lack of knowledge of:
- Machine operation
- Machine repair
- Installation
It’s the same as:
- YOU driving a Nascar car during a race TODAY!
- You needing to pilot a jet flight
Lack of Knowledge – Countermeasures
- One Point Lessons
- Training
- Maintenance Standards