One convenient method for transforming VOC into required quality is to use a primitive data transformation sheet. A sample primitive data transformation sheet can be found at the end of the chapter entitled Quality Deployment Methods (1) and the content of that sheet is illustrated in Diagram “Primitive Data Transformation Sheet”.

As shown there, the columns are numbered (1) to (12). Column (1) No. is used to assign a number to answers received to questionnaires. Column (2) Data Attributes are used to record the attributes (sex, age, etc.) of the customer who provided the responses. Column (3) Primitive Data is for recording the customer’s response “as is.” Column (4) Scenario is for describing the scenario in which the customer uses the product or service, based on 5W/1H. Column (5) Requirements is for recording what you think about the customer’s potential requirements. Column (6) Required Quality is for recording potential required quality based on the content of the Requirements column. These six columns comprise the Primitive Data (A) section of the sheet.

Column (8) Quality Characteristics is divided into four sub-columns for recording technical characteristics based on the content of the Required Quality column. This section, entitled Primitive Data Transformation Sheet (B), can be considered the place where quality characteristics are extracted or extrapolated from the primate data. Column (7) is used to indicate which row of the primitive data the quality characteristics correspond to if known.

In the final section, Primitive Data Transformation Sheet (C), column (9) Plan is used to record any plan or idea that comes to mind while transforming the primitive data into the required quality. Column (10) Function is used to record any functional expression that comes to mind during the transformation process, and column (11) Quality is for describing qualities suggested by the functional expression. Column (12) Notes can be used to record any other miscellaneous information. It is often difficult to put into words all the ideas about the required quality that you have during the process of transforming the primitive data. Writing down ideas as you think of them in the Plan, Function, or Quality columns will allow you to organize that that information later.

As explained in the section about the three principles of QFD, separating required quality from required functionality is an important step. The rationale behind using the primitive data transformation sheet is to be able to understand the customer’s requirements in terms of function, price, and quality.

Primitive Data Transformation Sheet

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