A breakdown is a loss of or reduction in a machine’s capacity to function. Breakdown loss is the time losses (reduction in output) and physical losses (increase in defectives and rework) arising from sporadic or chronic failures.

A breakdown is a loss of or reduction in a machine’s capacity to function

Let’s review PM cycle step-by-step:

  • Breakdown occurs, maintenance crew is called to repair machine and return back to production or sanitation crew (if food surfaces were touched and/or machine lost sterility);
  • Maintenance technician performs Breakdown Analysis;
  • All information about breakdown is captured in Recurrence Matrix;
  • Countermeasures or correct restore implemented to prevent breakdown from happening again,

Breakdown happened again!

  • Of course it must be repaired;
  • RCA must be performed with larger team (Maintenance technicians and Supervisor);
  • Develop AM and PM standards, possibly “weak point design?)
  • Restoration;
  • Must be reviewed by PM pillar;

Action plan

Discuss trend and actions taken from Kaizen, CAP-Do, RCA

Prepare one report with losses by line for last 24 hours whenever OEE is less then 70%(record only the problems)


Generate Breakdown recurrence matrix, Generate OEE loss tree

Future Plans

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